Bulgaru Alex โ€“ My 2D/3D Graphics & Design | Contact
Hello and welcome to my creative space!
My name is Alex and this is where I post my latest work.
I speak fluently English, French and Romanian. I am the Art Director for CPVP and I have a licence in Graphics/Product Design (University or Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca).
To get in direct contact, please use the form from the bottom of this page, or click one of my social links to DM me:
My 2D/3D Graphics & Design experience:
  • Fast 3D modelling (real-scale measurements), texturing, sculpting, rigging, animation and rendering;
  • Jewelry Design and 3D printing (I have experience in jewelry technicality and creation process);
  • 3D product design and rendering.
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Contact form

Thank you for your message! I will reach to you in the shortest time possible.
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